Migraine triggers can pop up at any moment. How someone with migraine responds to triggers is individual to them — sometimes it takes one trigger to cause an attack, whereas sometimes it’s a combination of triggers.
There are several types of migraine triggers that may cause an attack. Some of the most common triggers are travel, weather changes, stress, and menstruation. Managing migraine can be possible with Nurtec ODT — the only medication that treats and prevents, all in one.
Traveling with migraine brings the potential of several triggers getting in the way. Whether it’s stress, limited food options, a disrupted sleep pattern or weather changes — one of these triggers or a combination can result in a migraine attack ruining your plans.
In a survey conducted by Condé Nast, more than one-third (37%) of respondents said traveling is a trigger for their migraine. By packing Nurtec ODT for your next trip, you can be prepared to treat or continue preventing future attacks, all in one.
Weather and barometric changes are ranked as the #1 unavoidable migraine triggers. Changes in temperature and sunshine levels, and changes in humidity, air pollution levels and atmospheric air pressure, may be factors that contribute to a possible migraine attack. Even lightning can strike an attack.
By keeping on top of the weather forecast, you may be able to get back some control of how you manage migraine attacks.
Stress is the second most common trigger for people with migraine. The constant cycle of worrying about an attack striking and pain causing stress, can lead to an endless cycle of stress and migraine pain. By finding ways to manage your stress, you may be able to reduce the number of migraine attacks you experience.
“Menstrual migraine” occurs only during your period due to the fluctuation in hormone levels. The rise and fall of estrogen and different hormonal phases during your lifetime, can trigger migraine attacks and intensify symptoms.
If you think your migraine attacks and your cycle are related, start a journal noting the timing and your symptoms to discuss with your doctor.